Thursday, September 2, 2010

Those two forces have made the world an unprecedented economic prosperity

Those two forces have made the world an unprecedented economic prosperity,the prosperity there,not only is there prosperity,there is a very important one that is more stable,there have been 20 years without much of Wei Ji also our crisis is the major emerging market of 94 years,Mexico's currency crisis in 98 years there the Asian financial crisis,in 2000 appeared in the adjustment christian louboutin of high technology,the crisis in general,time is very short.The Mexican crisis had no impact on our 98 years of crisis,almost a year and a half years,99 years significant increase in .2000,the 2001 high of callback,the margins are small,two years together,and this prosperity is unprecedented.and prosperity for so long,so small fluctuations,caused us to underestimate the risk,so emergence of unprecedented financial prosperity,and most people on the risks,that risk is small,so everyone in the financial special interest.this back,I think there was a bubble,this bubble problem is caused by monetary policy.I Greenspan has been writing for so many years is to christian louboutin shoes create a bubble,he believes that a solution to any problem is by increasing increase circulation is to increase the money supply,has studied economics knows,a time of 70 years the money supply too much,causing the inflation.was caused by a monetary theory,inflation will print money,more money to increase,inflation is inevitable.Greenspan presided over a total of U.S.monetary policy for 18 years,18 years,the he are printed each time money to solve the problem,but no inflation ah,in this phase there is a new argument that inflation and money is not related.But this idea is very temporary phenomenon The main reason is because we see a force to christian louboutin sale suppress the inflation,the force is globalization,globalization makes the labor of developing countries into the world market,to suppress the wages of developed countries,the United States,real wages 20 years of no growth.wage growth adjusted for inflation,no growth.Another is the power of IT,but also reduce production costs,the two that makes the money supply for the time being does not cause inflation,money supply into the capital markets,asset markets,caused the stock market,rising property market.

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