Sunday, September 19, 2010

I found seems to control oil products like to use blue

I found seems to control oil products like to use blue, green, blue, fresh from the visual to give people the feeling of Oh. out of a very small, only g of capacity. It is worth mentioning is that it Kaifeng way to ensure the clean and health: the bottleneck with the cap rotated to the bottom of the mouth can be sealed drilling. not only christian louboutin to find tools to facilitate.
gently squeeze, you can see the white emulsion, a bit strange why the name will be called Cream. Although no added FANCL has always flaunted no additives, no spices, no mineral oil, no preservatives, but also shows by a number of sensitive tests, but also I was first tested on an arm, so that is also making plans more clearly. White Cream no fragrance, it is easy to push, and push the red bean size on a large, christian louboutin shoes open the form after the dew was transparent. but absorption was not particularly fast. spread your after about two minutes, then touch the, moist feeling completely disappeared, replaced by a layer of fine powder like the feeling of wiping, slippery, very dry. feels the effects and the pigs before the test ointment and cream He almost Ka Ying. Although There is no cover up pores in the visual live, but not a greasy oil, especially the nose Department. personal evaluation experience: christian louboutin sale very small and convenient packaging, direct extrusion to very health, oil control effect of smoothing the skin with the previous similar products , to maintain the T zone lasting refreshing. and there is no fragrance, health and safety. uptake, though not fast, but it will not use up too dry.

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