Thursday, October 14, 2010

Step: Noise Sampling .open Adobe Audition 1.5, light up a track before any then click on Record button,

Step: Noise Sampling .open Adobe Audition 1.5, light up a track before any then click on Record button, then do not say anything, and first recorded the noise a blank file, need not be very long (10-30 seconds or so can be), click the Record button again, close the recording, and then double-click the audio track into the single track mode, select the - Guanbi multi-track and single track switch button etc.), select - Open the R button, click the red record button to get started with the singing. recording is complete, click on the button to hear your recorded voice, the voice is not felt very dry or very difficult to hear the noise? in the absence of any effect of noise reduction and processing prior to all Herve Leger this. .Step Five: Reduce noise .Click ; effects - noise reduction - noise reduction - OK until satisfied. excessive noise will sound a certain loss.Step Six: effect of treatment effects .first refresh (since when do not need to refresh the results) Click on - refresh the effects list, ;. .2. pressure limit is your voice through treatment become more balanced, to keep the same consistent, do not overlook the big voice suddenly small. click on plug-ins can also play a limited role in pressure, there will not talk about it. and above in the pre-polish as there are many options already available for you choose, you can adjust their own, personal view is that the best approach to human voice is default in the pop vocal.

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